Motherhood, consignment shopkeeping, and more: One woman’s mix

Juggling motherhood, a consignment shop, and so much more!

This is not Sharon. SHE has MORE balls in the air!

One of our most forward-thinking Sponsors, Little Green Beans, was founded not even three years ago in Austin TX by Sharon Munroe, mother of three.

In addition to her family and shop, Sharon is involved in Link Coworking, a modern space where entrepreneurs can establish connections and collaborate with other professionals and founded the Advanced Maternal Age Project, a blog of collected stories by women who decided at age 35 or older to start a family… so I thought her story would be

inspiring to all mothers, today on Mother’s Day!


Working full time in marketing for more than 20 years, Munroe was a busy and driven career woman with no specific timeline for starting a family. It wasn’t until she was 39 that Munroe finally found herself ready to start down the path of motherhood. She was confident, financially stable and had recently married a supportive man. So at age 40, she gave birth to her first son. She later became a foster parent to a baby girl (eventually adopting her) and gave birth to another son just before her 44th birthday.

See Sharon featured on the Facebook page

Read the full article in Austin Woman Magazine.

Read about Link Coworking here.

Happy Mother’s Day, Sharon, and all the other mothers who are exhausted just reading about Sharon’s life!

I couldn’t find the original credit for this graphic. If it’s yours, let me know!

Add your thoughts, ideas or hints!